BeeWalk Survey Scheme


The BeeWalk website will be unavailable between 5pm Friday 25th October and 5pm Sunday 27th October due to server maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience. 

Find all the details about getting involved with BeeWalk here. Ready to get involved? Click here to register for the BeeWalk scheme. 

                 Have a go at our BeeWalk bumblebee identification quiz 

                                  Read the latest BeeWalk Annual Report 

BeeWalk is a national recording scheme run by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust to monitor the abundance of bumblebees on transects across the country.  These transects would be impossible without volunteers, who identify and count the bumblebees they see on a monthly walk along a set route from March to October. 

Anyone can become a BeeWalker – all you need is some basic identification knowledge and a spare few hours or so every month to walk a fixed route of about a mile (you choose where it goes), and submit your sightings. 

The information collected by BeeWalk volunteers is integral to monitoring how bumblebee populations change through time, and will allow us to detect early warning signs of population declines, aswell as contributing to important long-term monitoring of bumblebee population changes in response to changes in land-use and climate change.

If you're in Ireland, either Northern or the Republic, the National Biodiversity Data Centre run an equivalent scheme at

This website uses an Indicia Data Warehouse hosted by the Biological Records Centre (a group within the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology).